3. Dennis Bergkamp vs Argentina (1998)

Most great goals leave you in awe of the scorers technical or physical skill but Dennis Bergkamp scores goals that make you wonder how someone would even think to attempt them. It’s a wonderful ball in by Frank De Boer, finding Bergkamp’s run perfectly but even then Bergkamp has a lot to do. A perfect first touch makes things easier for him, most of the few players who have this level of control would probably shoot with their second touch or just gather the ball and look for other options. Not Dennis, whose second touch takes it inside an onrushing Roberto Ayala before Bergkamp calmly blasts an outside of the foot shot past Carlos Roa. Although Carlos Roa claims to have quit football for his religious beliefs, I think it was because he was so shook by this goal.

Did I mention this goal was scored in the 90th minute of a quarter final with scores tied 1-1. Cometh the hour, cometh the Iceman.

4.                 World Cup Countdown                 2.


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